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Leptin levels and the HCG Diet

July 8, 2018 By , , , ,
hcg diet portland

The Rx HCG along with HCG injections have been known to help hold leptin levels in an optimal range when the program is followed correctly

What is leptin?  You have heard of it and most likely know that it is a hormone that plays a role in weght loss and weight gain.  Leptin, coming from the Greek word “leptos” meaning “thin.”  It is a hormone that is produced by the adipocytes or “fat cells” in our bodies.  The amount of leptin in the body seems to have a direct correlation with the number of fat cells in the body.  Overall, high amounts of  it trigger the body to feel satiated, while lower levels of  stimulate the body to feel hungry.  Leptin is known to play a role in controlling appetite, mental acuity, brain focus, memory and mood.  It is thought that the HCG Diet Program  plays a role on rebalancing leptin levels in the body.  In the research of Robin Woodall in her book Weight Loss Apocalypse, she describes Rx HCG along with the HCG Diet as a way of keeping leptin levels optimal.

Leptin and the Hypothalamus of the Brain

The hypothalamus of the brain is known to have a multitude of leptin receptors.  They can also be found in places all throughout the body yet, there is a concentration of them in the hypothalamus.  As leptin levels begin to rise, they bind to a leptin receptor and initiate a response that tells the body it is “full.”  As this happens, the BMR will increase.  Once leptin levels go down, the empty receptors send a signal to the body that it is “hungry.”  As this happens, the BMR will slow down a bit to conserve energy.

Leptin in a Nutshell

 What this all means is that if leptin levels go too low (which can happen due to lack of calories, lack of sleep, high stress or a toxic load), the metabolism is in danger of slowing down and it will be hard to lose weight.

On the other side of the coin, if we eat when our bodies are not feeling a sense of physiological hunger, then we run the risk of becoming “leptin resistant” and therfore, our bodies do not respond to the high levels of circulating leptins in the body.  As the body becomes more leptin resistant, the body has a harder time staying lean.




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