Let’s Learn about the P-SHOT!
Men’s sexual health is one of our main focal points at The Natural Path. Dr. Robert Madda has been researching men’s health, men’s hormone optimization and men’s sexual wellness for the past 15 years. The number of P-shots we do at our office has exploded … and the reason is … it works!
What Is the P Shot?
The P Shot is an FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). This therapy works for most men of all ages as erectile dysfunction impacts every age group today. We find that 30% of men in their 30’s experience ED; 40% of men in their 40’s; and 50% of men in their 50’s and 60’s.
The “P” in the name stands for “Priapus shot.” The doctors who first developed the treatment named it after Priapus, the Greek god of agriculture and fertility. The fertility of the soil was connected in popular understanding to fertility of the womb. The P Shot or Priapus Shot offers men a chance to regain their vigor in the bedroom.
What is in the P-SHOT?
The unique and effective part of the Priapus Shot is that it is derived entirely from your body using your very own growth factors found in Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). This substance is injected directly into your body to rejuvenate it and allow for better blood flow, nerve conduction and tissue regeneration. PRP has become known as a very restorative solution.
Injecting PRP directly into the penile tissue causes your body to renew the cells in that area. This means that your penis regains its ability to hold blood, which is how erections work in the first place. Erectile dysfunction is nothing more than an insufficient blood supply.
At The Natural Path, Dr. Madda combines the P-shot with a Gaineswave treatment and some specific medications/supplements if needed. Some men even choose to add an HA filler such as juvaderm to their P-shot to add more girth and increase sensation.
Tags: Best P shot doctor, erectile dysfunction doctor, Erectile DYsfunction Portland, P shot Beaverton, P shot ed, P Shot Lake Oswego, P shot near me, P shot Oregon, P SHot Portland, P shot SE PORTLANS, PRP penis
Categories: Aesthetics, Anti Aging Therapies, Erectile Dysfunction, Gaineswave, GAINSWave, HCG Diet Weight Loss, low dose naltrexone weight loss, Mens Health, Mindful Eating, P-Shot, Testosterone Replacement Therapy