The Basics of Hormone Pellet Therapy
What are Bio-Identical Hormone Pellets?
Hormone pellets are made up of either estradiol or testosterone in a crystalline form embedded in a hypoallergenic substance. The hormones, estradiol and/or testosterone, are pressed or fused into small cylinders. The pellets are a bit larger than a grain of rice. In the United States, pellets are made by a licensed compounding pharmacies and delivered in sterile glass vials. They come in varying doses so that the hormone Rx can be uniquely tailored to each patient. At The Natural Path, we have had incredible success with using hormone pellets with our patients over the past decade. We keep our dosing safe and conservative and run lab work to be sure levels are in an optimal range. Most of our pellet patients rave about the results of hormone pellet therapy.
Why are Pellets Optimal for Hormone Replacement?
Pellets deliver consistent, healthy levels of hormones for 3-6 months, depending on the patient. They avoid the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels seen with every other method of delivery. Pellets do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional or synthetic hormone replacement therapy. The consistent results are wonderful and you do not have to remember to take anything.
Pellets help most of our patients experience significant relief of peri/menopausal symptoms. Pellets help with the maintenance of bone density/tissue integrity, restoration of sleep patterns, improved libido and sexual response, improved mental clarity and focus, decrease in vasomotor symptoms, energy and mood stability.
When were Pellets first used for Hormonal Replacement?
Pellets have been used in both men and women since the late 1930’s. In fact, there is more data to support the use of pellets than any other method of delivery of hormones. Pellets are not patented and not marketed in the United States. They are frequently used in Europe and Australia where pharmaceutical companies produce pellets. Most of the research on pellets is out of England and Australia with some from Germany and the Netherlands. Pellets were frequently used in the United States from about 1940 through the late 70’s, early 80’s when patented estrogens were marketed to the public. In fact, some of the most exciting data on hormone implants in breast cancer patients is out of the United States. Dr. Rebecca Glaser, OB-GYN and breast cancer surgeon has devoted her career to researching hormone pellet therapy. Her website www.hormonebalance.org is a wealth of information.
Tags: best hormone doctor portland, best pellet therapy doctor, better libido, better sex, Bio identical Hormones portland, bio identical pellets portland, menopause and pellet therapy, Testosterone pellet therapy portlandCategories: Anti Aging Therapies, Bio identical Hormones Portland, Hormone Pellet Therapy Portland, Testosterone Pellet Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy