Will the P-Shot™ Work for You?

January 22, 2019 By ,

About the P-Shot™

The P-Shot™ is a medical treatment that uses Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to improve erectile function and penile sensation for overall improved sexual health.  By accelerating the regeneration of healthy tissue and improving local blood vasculature, the therapy increases blood flow to the penis and offers stronger erections in most patients.

Am I a good candidate for the P-Shot™?

You might be! The P-Shot™ may help any man who feels his sexual performance could be improved. Additionally, it has been especially beneficial for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, whether due to prostate cancer, an enlarged prostate, diabetes, drug side effects or other issues. The P-Shot™ can also effectively treat Peyronie’s Disease.

How does it work?

Much like the so-called Vampire facelifts, the procedure starts with the patient’s own blood. Once the blood is drawn from the arm, plasma-enriched growth factors are harvested and then injected into the penis. This procedure generally causes little-to-no discomfort as a topical numbing cream is applied. We have found that pumping after receiving the P-Shot™ yields optimal results, so we usually request that patients commit to this for a few weeks. While some patients see results immediately, most will see the full effects in a few weeks.

Contact us today if you’d like more information.

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