Alcohol and Hormones
September 6, 2021
Bio Identical Hormones, Bio identical Hormones Portland, Eating Well, General Wellness, hCG Diet, Hormone Pellet Therapy Portland, Lipotropic injections, medical weight loss
A glass of wine at the end of the day can be a nice ritual. It may signal “relax” to many or be a nice way to add to a social gathering. However, when it becomes the daily pleasure, that glass of wine or that cocktail could contribute to hormonal dysregulation – especially in the menopausal years. I know it sounds like no fun! However, even moderate amounts of alcohol can lead to a subtle shift in hormone levels. I also find that my medical weight loss patients who drink a glass of wine most nights over the age of 35 have to accept themselves as 20-30 lbs heavier or cut back.
Ways that Alcohol Impacts Hormones
In the second half of the menstrual cycle estradiol begins to elevate. Alcohol can actually increase estradiol levels and in the latter half of menstrual cycle create tender breasts, heavier periods and an increase in menstrual cramps. In menopausal women, I often find a significant increase in hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia in my patients who consume wine/alcohol most nights of the week. Regular alcohol consumption has also been shown to increase uterine fibroids and worsen endometriosis symptoms. Women who drink regularly with PCOS are at greater risk for NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Last but not least is the big WOW factor – every time a female consumes alcohol, her risk of breast cancer increases 7% – 2-3 drinks per day can increase the chances by 25%!
Alcohol in Moderation
You do not have to cut it our completely! However, make it special. Pick one night out of the week and stick to that. Try and make your choice of beverage as healthy as possible. If you can avoid all the sugar mixers and stick to clear alcohols such as gin, tequila and vodka that would be best. Have you ever tried a mocktail? Those can actually be a lot of fun too!

Categories: Bio Identical Hormones, Bio identical Hormones Portland, Eating Well, General Wellness, hCG Diet, Hormone Pellet Therapy Portland, Lipotropic injections, medical weight loss