Bites of BLISS Chocolate Truffles– a wonderful, healthy chocolate desert
Can you say YUM!
These alkaline forming truffles are really delicious ~ they are loaded with protein, fiber, good fats and of course the antioxidant properties of chocolate … and they are sugar free. These are not recommended during our HCG Diet Program. However, they make a perfect special treat when the program is over. These are a true favorite in our household and in our office. Seriously, this is the best chocolate I have yet to have. Delicious. Try it.
Bites of Bliss Ingredients
¼ cup high quality coconut oil
2 ounces 100% cacao unsweetened chocolate (or a very high % dark chocolate)
¼ cup Vanilla flavoredhigh quality protein powder (hemp or rice is best)
2 tbsp. raw cacao powder ½ cup finely chopped raw almonds
¼ cup dried, unsweetened coconut shredded ¼ cup finely chopped dates or raisins
½ cup almond butter
1 tsp. liquid stevia
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Method of Making Bites of Bliss
Place coconut oil and dark chocolate bits in a double boiler; stir frequently and when melted set pan aside.
In a large mixing bowl, combine protein powder, cacao powder, almonds, coconut & dates. Stir well.
Add almond butter and mix thoroughly until it forms a crumble.
Add stevia and vanilla extract to chocolate mixture and stir.
Transfer the chocolate mixture to the dry mixture. Stir it all together thoroughly.
Use a teaspoon to scoop and fill mini muffin liners with the mixture. You can also spread mixture out in a thin layer on a cookie sheet. Place in freezer until it hardens for 20-30 minutes. You can use a cookie cutter to make shapes with the chocolate that hardened in the thin layer.
Keep refrigerated.
Get Creative …
You can add in extra goodies and modify the recipe a bit. In our last batch, we added in goji berries, chia seeds and hemp seeds. You may need to add in a bit more almond buter and chocolate mixture to keep the balance of wet and dry ingredients so adjust accordingly.
Have Fun!
Tags: bites of bliss, delicious chocolate desert, raw chocolate, sugar free chocolateCategories: Eating Well, Food Information, Mindful Eating