HCG Diet Clinic Portland

BPA – bisphenol-A and it’s Impact on our Weight and Health

February 19, 2018 By , , ,

BPA Causes Endocrine Disruption

Well, as you can see from the title, I am not a fan of BPA.  This stuff has been around for over 10 years.  We have known since the thirties that this stuff can act like estrogen in our bodies.  However, since industry found this stuff so useful in creating strong plastics and resins that keep metals from corroding it made its way into the marketplace. Did you know that most all cans in the US are coated with BPA??  This stuff is quite controversial when it comes to human health … yet, it also makes almost 15 billion per year so of course it gets brushed under the rug a bit. Politics?!


BPA in our Blood and its Effects on Humans


It is most likely safe to say that we all have some amount of BPA in our blood.  Perhaps, it is not a high level.  However, BPA acts like a hormone and it only takes a small amount of a hormone to have a strong impact in the body.  BPA has been linked to many issues with conception, pregnancy and human life. Some of these issues include: brain changes, abnormal sexual behavior, premature puberty, hyperactivity, increased formation of fat cells, disrupted menstrual cycles, ovulation issues, infertility, increase in prostate size and a decrease in prostate function  …. just to name a few.


BPA and Weight Gain


It is quite unfortunate to report that in our country  about 75 percent of men & 68 percent of women are now either overweight or obese. T Between 1988 and 1994 there was quite a rise in this number.  There was a study that showed the same intake of calories and exercise in 1988 and 2006 did not produce the same over all results.  Those in the 2006 study, who had the same caloric and exercise program as those in 1988 had an over all weight increase based on BMI of 5 lbs.  This suggests that overtime there is another factor that contributes to weight gain.  We do not have an answer, but, evidence does suggest that environmental toxins that act as endocrine disruptors may play a role.


I advise my HCG Diet patients to eliminate plastics and toxins fro their lives as much as possible.  Eating close to nature and using glass or stainless steel containers is a simple step we can take in keeping our bodies pure!



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