You can have Dessert for Breakfast on your HCG Diet Phase 3

We love how we have learned to eat on the HCG Diet
This is a delicious recipe. I made this last night for my children to have for breakfast this morning. I have made chia seed pudding many different ways but this really tastes like that sweet, custardy deliciousness of tapioca pudding. It also packs in a big punch with nutrition. Chia seeds are a “superfood” that have been used for thousands of years. Chia actually means “strength” and thousands of years ago warriors would carry them for fuel. If you have ever read the book “Born to Run” you will recall that these superhuman people would pack them in their gums and literally run ultra marathons. Sun warrior protein powder is a clean, healthy protein powder with a wonderful amino acid profile. If you can soak your own almonds over night and then blend them with equal parts almonds and water and strain off the liquid through a nut milk bag you can make your own almond milk that is free from preservatives and higher in nutrition. If not, store bought will work too. Maca powder is a great food for the adrenal glands and has a nice flavor. If you are on phase III of the HCG Diet or just in life this is a great recipe to try.
What You’ll Need to Make this Amazing Phase III HCG Diet Treat
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds (black or white)/2 cups water
- 1 cup almond milk (make your own or if purchase at store be sure it is unsweetened)
- 1 scoop Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder
- 2 tsp maca powder (We love Maca Force by Health Force)
- 1 dropper full of vanilla creme stevia
- cinnamon 1/4 tsp
- nutmeg 1/8 tsp
- vanilla bean powder 1/2 tsp
Creating this HCG Diet P3 Decadence
- Soak your 2 tbsp chia seeds in 2 cups of water. Let sit for about 10 minutes stirring occasionally.
- Add in the Sun Warrior protein, Maca powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and stevia.
- Add unsweetened almond milk to desired consistency.
- Pour into small single serving dishes and chill for a few hours in fridge or over night.
You can also turn this into a yummy smoothy that also works for HCG Diet P3 by adding another cup of unsweetened almond milk, some extra nutmeg and a few ice cubes — blend — enjoy!!
Tags: Eating Healthy, HCG Diet Beaverton, Medical Weight Loss Portland, Portland HCG Diet doctor, Weight Loss Portland Oregon
Categories: Body Composition, hCG Diet, HCG Diet Weight Loss, Weight Loss