HCG DIET & WEIGHT LOSS : a physician supervised weight loss program
At the Natural Path, in Portland, Oregon we offer a wonderful medically supervised HCG Diet program. The unique HCG diet protocol we have in our office holds a siilar structure as Dr. Simeons original program although over the last decade, Dr. Cara has worked hard with clinical trials to add more food choices and food strategies into the program. The program consists of a very low calorie diet, full medical support as well as Rx HCG injections or lozenges. From our experience, we have seen that our HCG diet protocol actually helps people to understand more about their consumption of food and to realize why it is important to control portion sizes. We have seen our HCG diet program be a lifestyle shift that helps to create a new way of living and eating. With the medical supervision you receive during this time, the program will be uniquely tailored to you and supplementation specific to your needs may be advised.
With all diets, it is best to contact your physician before going on any program. From our experience, we have nor seen the HCG diet take away lean muscle from the body. At our clinic, we monitor body composition on our In Body body composition analyzer before and after the program. Since the HCG diet only calls for you to eat 500 (ish) calories a day while using Rx HCG you will be turning over fat stores for caloric fuel and therefore are not calorically deprived theough the process (thoerized by Dr. Simeon’s). According to most of our HCG Diet program participants, the 500 (ish) calorie consumption may make you hungry for the first few days while you experience the behavioral changes that come with eating certain foods, in certain amounts. After the first two weeks of being on the diet, hunger will abstain (in most cases) and you may find that a small proportion of food will fill you up.
Who is a good Candidate for the HCG Diet
For those who do not have more than 10 lbs. to lose, I strongly recommend weight loss through diet and exercise alone. For those who have struggled relentlessly to try and lose weight, I have seen the HCG Diet protocol be very beneficial to over all health and well being. We always do a full health screening with a past medical history and any necessary lab work to be sure that this program is safe for you to follow. If you would like to find out if you are a candidate for the HCG diet please call us at 503-347-4625.
Disclaimer: HCG is a drug which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that HCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets.
Tags: best hcg diet portland, Body Composition Analysis, HCG Diet and Exercise, HCG Diet Beaverton, HCG Diet Gresham, HCG Diet Oregon, hcg diet portland, hcg diet program, Healthy Diet Doctor Portland, Portland HCG Diet doctorCategories: General Wellness, hCG Diet, HCG Diet Weight Loss, HCG Weight Loss, Uncategorized