Portland hCG diet

If you have Weight to Lose — Make the Commitment NOW – HCG Diet Portland

November 19, 2018 By , , , , ,

Take the Plunge with the HCG Diet! Get the Extra Weight Off Now


HCG Diet programWhy wait?  We can always convince ourselves that we will get a grasp on issues in our lives at a future date.  When it comes to excess weight on the body it has been shown that most people will easily gain 5-10 lbs per year if they have a tendency to be overweight.  It is crucial to take control of eating and lifestyle parameters that contribute to weigh gain.  The truth is, that making change in our lives sounds simple; but in realty, it is not all that easy.  Change requires a strong sense of focus, commitment, determination, inspiration and motivation. It is a choice. It is saying YES to a positive change for the person who matter most YOU!


Stop Packing on Pounds and Check out the HCG Diet


Each year, that extra 5-10 lbs adds up over time and can become 60-100 lbs very easily. Often, with extra weight comes a rise in blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.  These detrimental changes pose  health risks to  the body and can take a few years off of your life span. However, more than anything else these changes keep you from feeling your very best!  I encourage anyone that has weight to lose to take charge and make a change through diet and lifestyle.  I can assure you that it has the potential to make your quality of life soar. We all love to have lots of energy and feel vibrant.  The HCG Diet is a wonderful way to get a jump start to weight loss and we teach you how to take on a life style to make your new weight maintainable.


Make a Change for YOU!

It is so much easier to do things for others a lot of the time.  Take a minute to sit and reflect on the biggest change you would like to see in your life and make the change now.  If it is weight loss, we are here to support you with our incredible medically supervised HCG Diet program or any of our medical weight loss programs. We also offer naturopathic primary care. Your overall health and well being are our priority.


** disclaimer – HCG is not approved by the FDA as a weight loss medication.


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