Making Time for Fitness on the HCG Diet and in Life
I just cannot say enough about the incredible benefits of exercise. Exercise has the ability to release more neuro-chemicals than most drugs. A regular fitness routine can improve your energy levels, quality of sleep, body composition, blood pressure, blood sugar regulation mood … and simply your overall health and well being. I recommend that all of our HCG Diet patients jump into a rhythm of gentle exercise on phase 2 of the protocol. When our patients get to phase 3 of the HCG Diet, we encourage them to amp up the activity!
With a super busy life that involves working long hours and getting the kids all over town for school and activities it can be tricky to figure out how to maintain a regular exercise program.
Here are a few tips to help get you exercising on a regular basis and to make reaching those fitness and health goals a top priority.
First, you must set reasonable goals. Remember that it is quality of exercise over quantity that counts. I recommend that my patients commit to engaging in atleast 20 minutes of exercise every day. YES … that is everyday. If you do not have time to hit the gym and take a class or create your own little workout plan you can get up early and pop in a 20-30 minute DVD that you enjoy; you could also sign up for those online exercise programs and program in what kind of exercise you like and how much time you have. I have a lot of patients who like the “dailyburn” online programs. Rebounding is another one of our favorite exercises that you can do to music or in front of the TV if you watch television. You could also play some of your favorite music and jump around the room for 20-30 minutes and throw in a set of push ups and squats here and there.
With many people leading the modern, busy lifestyle you have to Schedule it. It is important to make your exercise like an important meeting with your boss. It must take priority in your life! I always say … exercise must be non-negotiable. Many people find it’s easier to stick to an exercise routine in the morning. Then, there are others who like to do it when they get home from work or after the kids go to bed. Find something that works, schedule it in your calendar and make sure it happens.
Plan ahead for your workouts. If you choose workouts that require weights, resistance bands or kettle bells be sure you have them on hand. Prepare your gear ahead of time to prevent skipping workouts. If you schedule your workouts for the morning, set out what you need before you go to bed. If you workout after work, be sure you take what you need with you if you exercise away from home.
Sleep well – Just as it is important to schedule exercise it is also important to make sure you get plenty of sleep. No one is going to do this for you once you become an adult. A restful sleep creates more energy and inspiration for exercise.
Be Gentle with Yourself … if you find yourself sick or tired one day you may need to skip your workout. Look at this day as a rest day and jump back on the next day. If you have a bit of energy for exercise choose something light and easy. It is better to stick with your routine schedule if you can. If not, relax and jump back on board the next day.
There you have it! Find something you love. Remember it is quality of exercise and not quantity. Strive for a minimum of 20-30 minutes of exercise every day of the week. Be gentle with yourself if you miss a day. Schedule it in and make this time non-negotiable. Plan ahead by putting your clothes and equipment out in the morning or packing your gym bag. Try and get good sleep. Explore the many exercise options available at local gyms, on DVD’s and online. Have fun!!
On The Natural Path HCG Diet Protocol, we recommend light exercise for 20 minutes each day. It is important to establish this as a routine and begin to increase the intensity as you get into phase III and Phase IV of the program.
Tags: Body Composition Analysis, Eating Healthy, HCG Diet and Exercise, HCG Diet Beaverton, HCG Diet Gresham, HCG Diet Portland Oregon, Healthy Diet Doctor Portland, Physician Supervised HCG Diet Program
Categories: Body Composition, General Wellness, hCG Diet, HCG Diet Weight Loss, PRP and A cell for Hair Restoration, Weight Loss