Meal Planning Pro Tips
After a long, busy day it can be a challenge to make healthy choices with food, especially if you do not have anything already prepared. Often, we will opt for the easiest and fastest option out which often includes prepared or delivered foods. If you are trying to eat healthier, it is a must to create the intentions and take action to plan out your weekly meals. Preparing and planning meals in advance will help you avoid those moments of weakness and keep you on track to a healthier lifestyle. I teach all of out patients on the HCG DIET program and our SYNERGYRx protocol how to meal prep and being prepared is probably the #1 tip I can share with my patients for long-term weight loss success.
Five steps to Successful Meal Prep
Dedicate time each week to creating your meals
Setting time aside each week to plan, shop and prep your meals will only help you stick to your healthy eating goals, but it also can help you save time, energy, money and guilt for making poor food choices.
Try to make your meal planning a part of your weekly routine. Take some time to plan it out, shop and create meals in grab-and-go containers 1-2x/week.
Choose Meals that are Simple and Tasty
When creating your meal plan look at what you would like to eat for the next 5-7 days. This is possibly the most important step in meal planning. Try to plan for lunch, dinner and snacks. I am a fan of intermittent fasting. However, if you are a breakfast eater keep that in mind too when you are meal planning.
I love to keep my meal planning simple with things like a salad with grilled chicken, cauliflower rice with HCG DIET friendly terriyaki sauce on chicken; steamed fish with asparagus, etc. Crock pot and instant pot can also make a weeks worth of meals very easily. Once you master a few staples, you will feel more confident about planning and prepping your meals.
You can look for inspirational recipes online. However, be sure the recipes you’re choosing fit within your dietary plan. The HCG DIET Program food list and SYNERGYrx food list are great to keep around.
Make your Grocery List and hit the Store
After you have decided on the recipes, make your shopping list and head to the store for all the items you do not have in your home. Stick with your list while you are shopping and do not allow for temptations to sneak their way into your cart.
Grocery delivery is also a nice way to go and can save time!
Preparing your Meals
Once you have all of your groceries, it’s time to get busy with the food preparation. I like to first wash and chop all of the produce. Check your recipes and follow the directions. Once the food is prepped you can put it into simple grab-and-go containers and then be on your way to success.
Stick to Your Plan
Now that you have prepped all of your meals for the week, the key is to stick to the plan 100%. I suggest getting your lunch and snacks for the next day and be sure to grab it on the way out the door. Having food with you at work, at a sports practice or an outing can save you over and over again from poor food choices. Planning your meals will help you with feeling in control. It may be a challenge to find time in your schedule to plan, cook, and prepare your meals, however, dedicating this time to yourself and your goals is a commitment to YOU and your OPTIMAL HEALTH!
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