My 105 Weight Loss with the HCG Diet at The Natural Path

January 6, 2021 By , , , , ,

hcg diet portlandIn 2019, I began my weight loss journey! This whole path took a life changing 15 months and 105 lbs.  By far, this was the most transformative experience of my life.  I am writing this with immense gratitude for Dr. Cara Phillipo and her HCG Diet Program!  I stepped into her office on June 5th 2014 and she lit me up with inspiration and truly set me on fire with motivation. She made ME BELIEVE IN ME!  For the first time, I believed I could be one of those healthy, skinny people walking around. This belief was the spark of my lifetime!


Of course, this was not EASY!  I had to begin to transform my relationship with my body and with food.  Dr. Cara was there for me! With her as my guide I had support.  She continued to remind me that I could shatter the old beliefs that I held about myself and create new ones!  I worked on this EVERY DAY and one day at a time I worked hard on myself. I learned to stop comforting myself with swedish fish and ice cream. I learned to stop sabotaging my body. I learned to love the freshness and the beauty of vegetables. I learned to love the simple flavors of seafood, poultry and other meats. I learned to love the creativity that could be had in designing a salad.  I learned to LOVE myself and treat my body like a temple.

I went from being embarassed to be seen in public to being PROUD! I went from not willing to be seen in a gym at my weight to being the girl in the hot pink leggings working hard and happy to be seen.  I cannot even tell you what self confidence can do for your life. I never had any until the last year. I went from a size 20 to a size 4! I went from depressed to HAPPY!  I went from seeing the glass as half empty to half full!

Maintaining my Weight Loss Post HCG Diet Days

It has been over a year since I lost the weight and you know what … I have kept off every single pound.  AND … my body composition is now more favorable than it was one year ago thanks to resistance training and exercise.  I have lost 7 lbs more of fat and gained 7 lbs more of muscle.

The HCG Diet process and Dr. Cara Phillipo are an amazing combination. I probably could not have done this without both of those key players.

With the holidays here, I look at what I am grateful for. I look at my life now and what it was only 2 years ago and it is almost a pure miracle. I am so grateful for you Dr. Cara!  You are forever my angel!. Happy Holidays and God bless.
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