hcg diet portland

My Journey with Baby Weight Gain and the HCG Diet

May 31, 2019 By , , , , , ,

My Journey with Baby Weight Gain and the HCG Diet


— a patient emailed this to me today.  It was an article she had written in a post partum baby publication.

Six months after having our second child, I was 25 lbs. more than I weighed before I had gotten pregnant the first time.  My children are 2 years apart and therefore I did not have a lot of time between my two pregnancies to get my self back into shape.  After my first child, I had gained 10 lbs and I did work hard by watching my diet and exercising daily but the pounds just would not budge.  I thought perhaps my body needed the extra weight to help me produce breast milk.  I was even considering the HCG Diet before I got pregnant with my second child as nothing else was helping me.  I gained 30 lbs in my second pregnancy and even a few months after delivering my daughter I had only lost 15 of those lbs.  Again, I began an exercise regimen and a paleo diet eating plan and in a month I could only lose 2.5 lbs.


I hate to admit it, but the extra weight really had me depressed.  I really did not like how I felt.  I did not enjoy getting dressed and it just plain did not feel good to be in my body.  I looked into the .  I spoke with Dr. Cara and she listened to my story.  She was also a mother of 2 young children and I felt like she really understood me and wanted to help me.  She told me that I would have to wait until I was done breast feeding to consider the program.  Dr. Cara sent me a manual of the Natural Path Portland HCG Diet and I was really impressed by the approach and the long term follow up.  For the first time, I felt like there was hope for me and my heart lightened up.


Two years after delivering my last baby I began the HCG Diet for Weight Loss


As my breast feeding days began to die down, I called to make my appointment to start the HCG Diet.  I met with Dr. Cara for my inital office visit and she sat with me for 1.5 hours and got my health history with a warmth and compassion I had yet to experience with a doctor.  We went over the program in detail and did a full body composition analysis on their body scanner.  I was so excited to begin this HCG Diet program that I committed to getting started and giving it my all right then and there.  I met with Dr. Cara weekly and she really helped me every step of the way to get over challenges, keep me inspired and motivated and to teach me how to love me for who I was beyond my weight.  I also began to learn how to eat in a functional way.  I learned that clean, lean proteins and organic low glycemic vegetables were really a wonderful fuel for my body.  After doing P2 of the HCG Diet for 6 weeks and then going into stabilization phase for 3 weeks I had mastered a new way of eating.  I loved it.  I was also down … (drum roll please ) …. 34 lbs.  Yes, I was now 10 lbs less than when I became pregnant.


Today, it is my 40th birthday and I am still down 32 lbs and have put on 5 lbs of muscle.  I exercise daily, I eat well, I feel great and I truly feel like I owe it to Dr. Cara for her guidance to get me to this place. When you feel good in your body … you feel good in your life!


With lots of gratitude!

Candice T.

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