The End of Dieting with our modernized HCG DIET PLAN
Most diets really don’t work for the long term and the truth is that most diets are not very good for our metabolic health. In fact, the number of people who lose weight and keep it off for more than 2 years is less than 2 in 100 people … 2%!
This may seem like an ironic statement to find from a doctor who specializes in weight loss using my own modified version of the HCG Diet protocol! However, I am passionate about this program and truly believe that with some simple, healthy changes this could be the “end of dieting.” That is my ultimate goal for you! We have seen this be the case with the majority of our HCG Diet patients.
The HCG Diet as a “SPRINGBOARD” to Lasting Weight Loss
The HCG Diet program is a springboard to weight loss that is clinically proven to be safe and effective while keeping metabolism strong. On body composition analysis before and after the protocol, we can generally find that most of the weight that is lost comes from fat stores and spares lean mass. This is truly unique to the HCG Diet weight loss program.
Our mission through our modernized version of the HCG Diet process at The Natural Path is to help you LEARN how and why to choose certain foods and say “no thank you” to others. We want to inspire, motivate and encourage you to apply what you learn through our program into your life with healthy habits and behaviors that will eventually become effortless. Finally, you will be in control of your health, your waist and your food choices.
We all deserve to have health and wellness in our lives! If you go down the road of eating the standard American diet and living the modern sedentary lifestyle you WILL most likely be a part of the exploding epidemic of heart attack, cancer, stroke and diabetes. The standard American diet is killing the health of our nation. Instead of providing us with the basics of good health, it is paving the path where chronic disease is becoming almost inevitable for most people.
Education Through the HCG Diet Process at The Natural Path
What I feel is the golden ticket to this lasting change in dietary hygiene is INFORMATION! You deserve to be informed and to seek out information that will teach you the importance of feeding your body nutrient rich food over processed junk that soothes your taste buds, fills empty feelings and feeds the food addictions.
The road to changing these addictive, emotional, social and behavioral patterns takes some good, old fashion human GRIT and it is 100% worth the effort. By choosing foods with nutritional content, your cells will be cheering and you can put the junk food behind! Food preferences can be learned and can be changed!
Let’s work together to make this the end of your dieting career! Remember … anything you do temporarily will leave you with temporary results. The result of this program can be lasting weight loss and optimal wellness. YOU CAN DO IT. WE BELIEVE IN YOU! LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN! COME ON! It is our commitment and #1 priority to help you achieve the level of wellness and dietary control that you deserve.
With Care!
Dr. Cara
Tags: best hcg diet portland, Body Composition Analysis, Eating Healthy, HCG Diet and Exercise, HCG Diet Beaverton, HCG Diet Gresham, HCG Diet Lake OSwego, HCG Diet Oregon, HCG Diet Portland Oregon, hcg diet program, hcg diet sherwood, hcg diet tualatin, HCG Diet West Linn, HCG Weight Loss Portland, Healthy Diet Doctor Portland, medical HCG Diet programCategories: Body Composition, hCG Diet, HCG Diet Weight Loss, HCG Weight Loss, Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss