Who can Benefit from the HCG Diet at the Natural Path in Portland?
The evolved and modernized HCG Diet protocol offered by Dr. Cara Phillipo in Portland, Oregon can be effective for almost any adult that has more than 10 lbs. to lose based on accurate body composition analysis. You can benefit from the HCG Diet if your % body fat is over 25%. Dr. Cara also looks at past and present medical history as well as recent blood work to be sure the program is safe for you to follow. We do not allow anyone to follow our program who is pregnant, nursing or under 21 years old.
Do you qualify for the Natural HCG Diet Program?
In order to qualify for the HCG Diet Program offered at The Natural Path, you will need to have 10 +pounds of excess body fat to burn. All new patients are put on our state of the art body composition analyzer and from there we decide what is the ideal amount of weight for you to lose. You must have a strong intention to lose your excess body weight and maintain that intention throughout the entire HCG Diet Protocol. Dr. Cara is an incredible beacon of support, guidance and education through the process. Cheating is not an option as it will set you back on the program for 2-5 days. You must be mentally prepared and self disciplined to follow tht is not that it is difficult but that we live in a gluttonous world where unhealthy food is everywhere. Cravings are often psychlogical but can make the program challenging at times.
Staying Disciplined on The HCG Diet
REMEMBER … that you can do anything you set your mind to for this time. As you watch the numbers on the scale go down you will be deeply motivated and inspired. Do not be discouraged when you briefly stall or have temporary setbacks. You must be willing to give up all sugars, starches, refined carbohydrates, high glycemic foods, fatty foods and alcohol for the duration of the HCG Diet program. The beautiful thing about this program is that it is a deep cleanse and will help you t “reset” your eating patterns.
Things to note on the HCG Diet Program!
If you take prescription medications such as blood pressure lowering meds and blood sugar lowering meds, we will need to monitor you very closely. As you lose weight, your prescriptions may need to be adjusted on the HCG Diet. You must not be pregnant or nursing to participate in this program.
Are there any side effects with using the HCG Diet?
- HCG njections may be associated with slight headaches or dizziness for the first few days but this may be mild or rare and it is believed this may be due to the cleansing aspect of the program. The HCG Diet has been used for weight loss for over 70 years and therefore there is substantial evidence to verify its safety and effectiveness.
Disclaimer: HCG is not approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration as a weight-loss medication. This is a legal but “off label” use.HCG, HCG Diet, HCG Weight Loss, HCG Physician, HCG Diet Portland, HCG Weight Loss Portland, Medically Supervised HCG Weight Loss, , HCG weight loss center portand, hcg specialist Portland, HCG Naturopath, hcg diet doctor, hcg diet doctor Portland, hcg diet Vancouver, hcg diet doctor Vancouver, medical hcg program, real hcg injections, Dr. Madda HCG, HCG diet expert, , HCG injections, Oregon hcg diet, hcg clinic Portland , hcg physician Portlan If you would like to find out more about Dr. Madda’s HCG Diet program, please call: 503-347-4625Dr. Robert Madda offers services to the following areas: Portland, Vancouver, Salem, Eugene, Gresham, Beaverton, HillsboroServices include: hCG Drops, hCG Diet, hCG Weight Loss, hCG Injections, hCG Specialist, hCG Physician, hCG Doctor, hCG Clinic, Hormone hCG, Medical Weight Loss, hCG Diet Program, hCG Program, HCG Weight Loss
Tags: best hcg diet portland, HCG Diet and Exercise, HCG Diet Beaverton, HCG Diet Gresham, HCG Diet Oregon, HCG Diet Portland Oregon, hcg diet program, medical HCG Diet program, Medical Weight Loss Portland, Weight Loss Portland OregonCategories: hCG Diet, HCG Diet Weight Loss, HCG Weight Loss, Weight Loss