Author Archives for Cara Phillipo

hcg diet portland

Chia Pudding for an HCG Diet Phase 3 Desert!

March 25, 2018 3:12 pm Published by Comments Off on Chia Pudding for an HCG Diet Phase 3 Desert!

Chia Seeds are Power Packed with Nutrients What can I say … I LOVE Chia Seeds.  They are a staple in my household.  Chia seeds are great in a smoothie, we add them to our nut butters to make a seeded blend, they can be a great egg replacer when made into a gel with... Read More

HCG Diet

CAREFUL! Gluten free does not Mean HEALTHY!

March 22, 2018 1:00 pm Published by Comments Off on CAREFUL! Gluten free does not Mean HEALTHY!

Over the past few years, we have seen the sales of gluten-free products sky rocket.  The larger food companies have caught on to this marketing trend and are now creating all kinds of Gluten-free products which truly have no health benefits or nutritional value.  If you see a product labeled GLUTEN FREE — that certainly... Read More

HCG Diet

Dr. Madda’s Power Breakfast for P3 of the HCG Diet

March 19, 2018 12:55 pm Published by Comments Off on Dr. Madda’s Power Breakfast for P3 of the HCG Diet

Every morning, our very loved Dr. Madda fills up our Vita Mix with all of the nutrient dense foods below and creates his own “Power Breakfast.”  This is how he fuels himself for the entire day until dinner.  It keeps his energy strong and gives him what he needs to get through the day feeling... Read More

HCG Diet Portland

Why We Love Lemons on our HCG Diet Program

March 16, 2018 12:55 pm Published by Comments Off on Why We Love Lemons on our HCG Diet Program

I love encouraging my patients to add lemons to their lives!  They are a wonderful way to cleanse the body and boost immunity.  I always like to share the amazing properties of lemons with my HCG Diet patients. For myself. I drink a glass of water with 1/2 of a lemon squeezed into it to start... Read More

Healthy Eating Children

Miracle Noodles on the HCG Diet!

March 13, 2018 12:21 pm Published by Comments Off on Miracle Noodles on the HCG Diet!

I have to admit myself that miracle noodles almost seem too good to be true.  They remind me of ‘glass noodles’ from a Thai restaurant. No calories, no carbs, no sugar — simply pure fiber.  They are made form the Japanese yam called konjac. The fiber in the miracle noodles is called “glocomannan.” In my... Read More

HCG Diet Portland

Hunger Issues with the HCG Diet for Weight Loss

March 10, 2018 12:16 pm Published by Comments Off on Hunger Issues with the HCG Diet for Weight Loss

Fortunately, for most HCG Diet patients hunger and cravings are surprisingly not an issue.  At least a few times a day in my private practice I hear patients tell me that  it is actually hard for them to consume the daily food intake on the diet.  There are surely patients who get hungry right around the time... Read More

HCG Diet Portland Semaglutide weigh loss

The Many Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss and Beyond

March 7, 2018 12:16 pm Published by Comments Off on The Many Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss and Beyond

We have all heard about apple cider vinegar and all of the millions of things it is said to do for the body.  In fact, there have been detailed accounts of its uses that date way back hundreds of years ago.  I always feel that those time tested remedies hold some real water.  The father... Read More

HCG weight loss portland

Binge Eating at Night Causes Weight Gain

March 4, 2018 12:24 pm Published by Comments Off on Binge Eating at Night Causes Weight Gain

Night Time Cravings and Night Time Binging For many of our HCG Diet patients, the calories come at night after the sun goes down.  “I am mindful all day long and then as soon as the sun goes down, I lose all will power and these cravings begin,” says one of my frustrated HCG Diet patients.  This... Read More

hcg diet portland

Simple Ways to Reduce Fat Stores on the Body

March 1, 2018 11:32 am Published by Comments Off on Simple Ways to Reduce Fat Stores on the Body

  Believe it or not, diet and exercise are certainly not the only 2 parameters in your life that you can use to control your body composition. There are so many other systems in our bodies that can be optimized to make our bodies stronger, more efficient calorie burners.  Diet and exercise are important to... Read More

HCG Diet

Sugar is a Legal Drug and it is not Good for your Health

February 28, 2018 11:24 am Published by Comments Off on Sugar is a Legal Drug and it is not Good for your Health

This is one of the first thing we teach in the educational aspect of our HCG Diet Program This is not new news SUGAR CAN RUIN YOUR HEALTH.  However, even with this knowledge, sugar continues to be packed into the food that we consume and it has a huge impact on our health.  In a... Read More