HCG Diet Portland

Eating with Mindfulness Through The Holidays

December 23, 2020 By , , , ,

Focus on the Fun and not so much on the Food

hcg diet holidaysOver the holidays, so many people love to say ” I love you” with food … and not always the most healthy plates of food.  Food is just one piece of the holiday pie so to speak!  Keep your focus on your family, your children, your friends — enjoy the company of the ones that you love having in your life.  Focus on the festive energy of the holiday. It really is such a special time of year.

Our HCG Diet patients have been asking me all week for my advice in navigating the holidays in the food realm!



Trust me, you really will not be missing anything at all if you eat bountiful meals of healthy food and skip the junk. Really, the only thing you will miss is that feeling of being stuffed and the extra few pounds you may have gained.  Look around at your food options and focus on the vegetables and salads.  Choose to dress your plate with a simple balsamic vinegar and maybe some olive oil.  As you eat, enjoy every bite of these vegetables.  Go for the clean proteins if they are available as well.  These will help fill you up and keep you going.  Water is also important to remember at the holiday gathering.  The signal for thirst can often be translated by the brain as a signal for food.  So, drink up that pure water!!!


Of course, go ahead. After all, this is a special time and it comes once per year. There are also strong ties with food that have meaning in our lives.  For example, I love the swedish stuffing my grandfather used to make for the holidays.  If it is there, I will surely have a small bite.  Choose what you want to indulge in and go for the 2-3 bite rule and savor every bite from start to finish!


Most of all … be joyful, be present, keep your heart open and really enjoy the ones that you love!!

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