100 lb Weight Loss Success on the HCG DIET
Celebrating my 100 lb Weight Loss at The Natural Path HCG Diet
The HCG Diet program at The Natural Path has been a life changer for me. I first came to see Dr. Cara back in December of 2019. I had turned 49 years old and I was tired of being fat. I wanted to lose weight. I had been carrying an extra 100+ lbs with me since I was in my late teens and I had every excuse in the book when it came to the thought of losing it. Finally, the day came when I was ready to make a change! My Dad had been diagnosed with diabetes a few months before and watching his body slowly become compromised from years of sugar intake was a wake up call for me. I had heard of the HCG Diet and began my extensive research. I explored all of my options for HCG Diet programs in Portland, Oregon and I really was inspired by the approach taken at The Natural Path. I loved how much research Dr. Cara had put into evolving the original HCG DIET program. I also LOVED her passion for helping people feel like the very best version of themselves. She kept me motivated and excited the whole way!
I had my initial appointment with Dr. Cara and literally left on fire! I knew with all of my heart I was going to shed this extra weight. I was inspired, motivated and ready to make it happen. Dr. Cara is warm, supportive and she really knows her stuff. She is also passionate about the HCG Diet and has really done the research to modify Dr. Simeon’s original protocol in a way that makes it manageable for anyone to follow.
The Results of my HCG DIET Weight Loss Journey
It felt amazing to begin having results right away on the HCG DIET program! The first week I was down 10 lbs. I started at 256 lbs which is even hard for me to write! Dr. Cara explained it would slow down and of course it did. On average, I was losing 4-5 lbs per week, depsite Dr. Cara telling me it might be closer to 2-4 lbs per week. After my first round, I was down 36 lbs and felt great. I lost a few more lbs on Phase 3 of that round as well.
I maintained 218 for 6 weeks and jumped back in for round 2. Round 2 of the HCG Diet was harder as I traveled twice to see family. However, I stuck with it and in the end of the 6 weeks. I was down 30 lbs and proceded to lose 5 more lbs on my own over the next 10 weeks. I really loved being at 187! My clothes were lose. I was in a size 12 and began to exercise which felt amazing! I hired a personal trainer that I met with once per week and then did my own work out at the gym 2 other times per week for an hour! Not bad for someone who had never exercised before! In less than one year. I was like a new person. I would get happy every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
I began my third round of HCG in July of 2020, I decided this would only be a 4 week round. It was a great one and I lost 20 lbs. I got down to 157! Between July and December I managed to lose another 10 lbs on my own. I am now 147 and I am still in awe of how I feel in my body! I am 49 and have never felt better than I do today!
The best news of all is that it has been almost 2 years and I have kept it all off.
What I Learned from the HCG Diet
The HCG Diet taught me more than any class I have ever taken in my life. I learned about my body. I learned my food triggers. I learned my emotional triggers. I learned which foods cause me to gain weight. I learned about fat storage and fat breakdown. I learned about food preparation. I learned to LOVE healthy food! This program is a life changer and Dr. Cara is an amazing guide. I love what I have learned through this process!
Tags: best hcg diet portland, HCG Diet and Exercise, HCG Diet Beaverton, HCG Diet Cleanse, hcg diet doctor, HCG Diet Lake OSwego, HCG DIET NW Portland, hcg diet portland, HCG Diet Portland Oregon, Physician Supervised HCG Diet Program, Weight Loss Portland Oregon
Categories: hCG Diet, HCG Diet Weight Loss, HCG Weight Loss, Medical weight loss near me, Medical weight loss portland, Weight Loss, Weight Loss doctor portland